The Osteopathic Resource Center is a gathering place for DOs and interested individuals from any healing art who would like to know more about traditional Osteopathic philosophy and the rich history that created the vibrant health care system discovered by Andrew Taylor Still.
My primary goal in creating this website is to allow the original teachings of A.T. Still, and his direct students, to become easily accessible to everyone. I also want to offer the international Osteopathic profession a resource center for exploring the philosophy and practice of Osteopathy through its history.
This portal offers a library of rare out of print books available in a PDF format in the Osteopathic Public Library. The Analects of A. T. Still contains important quotes from the founder of Osteopathy organized into categories while the Life Chronology of A. T. Still offers a concise history of the life events that shaped the discovery and development of Osteopathy.
The Osteopathy Examined tab contains two sections. Classic Articles include vintage Osteopathic publications relating to our history and philosophy as recorded primarily by the early Osteopathic pioneers who were the direct students of A. T. Still. Also included are Contemporary Articles written specifically for this website or have been printed elsewhere in other publications.
I hope that the Osteopathic Resource Center helps every DO to realize the vital importance that Osteopathic philosophy plays in appreciating the work of A. T. Still. Osteopathy is first and foremost an applied clinical philosophy. It is my goal to help everyone remember that Osteopathy is not a set of manual medicine techniques but a collection of interconnected guiding principles based upon a philosophy.
I believe that in order to truly grasp Osteopathic philosophy one must study our history. As DOs, we cannot know where we are going as a profession until we remember where we have been.
May your journey to understand the essence of Osteopathy be as important as what you eventually discover.
Steve Paulus, DO, MS